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Academic Committee

Composition of the Academic Committee :

  1. Principal as the Chairperson Ex-officio
  2. One senior member as Convener
  3. Government Nominee in the Governing Body
  4. University Nominee in the Governing Body
  5. All Heads of the Departments
  6. Internal G.B. Members
  7. Head Clerk

Functions of the Academic Committee :

  1. As the Committee which is solely responsible for all academic matters, it has to frame academic policy, approval of courses, syllabi and regulations.
  2. To make proposals to the Governing Body of the College for the establishment of new Department, Laboratories, for study and research to be maintained by the college.
  3. To prescribe the plan for curriculum implementation for courses leading to degree and diplomas.
  4. To make proposals for regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes, frame regulations for conducting of examinations and initiate measures for improving quality of teaching, students’ evaluation and students advisory programme in the college.
  5. To avail the service of guest faculty of the college.
  6. To make proposals for the regulations for sports, extracurricular activities and to maintain properly the functioning of the playground and hostels.
  7. To recommend the names of eminent personalities for conferment of honour.
  8. To make proposals for scholarships, studentships, prizes and medals and to frame regulations in this regard.
  9. To consider any educational matter relating to Academic Committee and to make recommendations to the authority for implementations.