ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 Certified
Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Accredited "A" Grade (CGPA 3.20) By NAAC During The 3rd Cycle In 2025
Plastic Free, Green Campus
24 Hrs.
CCTV Survelliance
NO.F1-16/2007CCPP-11 April, 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (g) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 26 of the University Grants Commissions Act, 1956, the University Grants Commission hereby makes the following Regulations, namely –
Title, commencement and applicability:-
These regulations shall be called the “UGC Regulations on Curbing the
Menace of Ragging on Higher Educational Institutions, 2009” They shall come into force with immediate effect.
They shall apply to all the universities established or incorporated by or
Under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act, to all institutions deemed to be university under Section 3 of the UGC Act. 1956, to all other higher educational institutions including the departments, constituent units and all the premises (academic, residential, sports, canteen, etc) of such universities deemed Universi- ties and other higher educational institutions, whether located within the campus or outside, and to all means of transportation of students public or private.
To root out ragging in all its forms from universities, colleges and other educational institutions in the country by prohibiting it by law, preventing its occurrence by following the provisions of these Regulations and punishing those who indulge in ragging as provided for in these Regulations and the appropri- ate law in force.
Punishable ingredients of Ragging:-
Abetment to ragging; Criminal conspiracy to rag;
Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging; Public nuisance created during ragging;
Violation of decency and morals through ragging; Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt; Wrongful restraint;
Wrongful confinement; Use of criminal force;
Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences; Extortion;
Criminal trespass;
Offences against property; Criminal intimidation;
With a view to curbing the activities related to ragging and to make the College campus ragging free, an Anti-ragging Cell namely ‘Berhampore Girls’ College Anti-ragging Cell’ has been set up. The composition and functions of the Cell are as follows :
Berhampore Girls’ College Anti-ragging Cell:
(i) Composition of the Berhampore Girls’ College Anti-ragging Cell:
(a) Principal as the Chairperson Ex-offcio
(b) One senior faculty-member as Co-ordinator
(c) All heads of all Departments
(d) Hostel Superintendents (two)
(e) Two Guardian Representatives
(f) Two Students from 1st year
(g) Two students form each Hostel
(h) One student Representative from each department
(i) All Members of the Executive Committee (Students’ Union)
(j) Head Clerk
(k) Accountant
(ii) Functions of the Berhampore Girls’ College Anti-ragging Cell:
(a) To display Notices inviting complaints against threats and ragging;
(b) To intervene and ensure enquiry within 24 hours relating to the matters of ragging:
(c) To submit a report on the matter on the same day to the Principal;
(d) To intervene and resolve the disputes among the students by amicable means;
(e) To display notices relating to the prohibition of ragging issue;
(f) To help in maintaining healthy academic and friendly atmosphere in the college campus.